Terms of Service

Terms of Service

Effective Date: June 06, 2024

The Terms Of Service for Deedjob, a job search platform, encompass a wide range of conditions and guidelines for users, including both job seekers and employers.

1. General Use
Deedjob’s services are provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis. This means that users must accept the platform as it currently operates, without any guarantees or warranties about its functionality or performance. The availability and quality of the services can be influenced by factors outside of Deedjob’s control, such as internet outages, maintenance activities, or other technical issues.

2. Job Posting and Advertisement
Employers are responsible for the content they post on Deedjob and must ensure it does not advertise illegal activities or engage in fraudulent practices. Deedjob provides a range of services to both job seekers and employers. For candidates, all services are completely free. They can create profiles, upload resumes, and apply for jobs without any charges. Employers, on the other hand, can create accounts and search for candidates with reasonable charges. This approach aims to streamline the hiring process by making it accessible and cost-effective for both parties involved.

3. Job Applications and Assessments
Job seekers give Deedjob permission to use their application materials to find suitable job matches and employers. This includes utilizing their responses to enhance Deedjob’s services and provide tailored job recommendations. Additionally, Deedjob may share job seekers’ assessment results with employers during the hiring process, facilitating better candidate-employer connections.

4. Content Guidelines
Reviews and other user-generated content on Deedjob must genuinely represent the user’s own experiences and opinions. Users should avoid including personal details or making legal claims. Deedjob has the authority to delete any content that does not adhere to these rules.

5. Data Sharing and Privacy
When users engage with Deedjob, such as by installing the Deedjob App or utilizing its services, their personal information may be shared with third-party service providers. This sharing aims to enhance services, streamline log-ins, and optimize user experiences. By using the platform, users agree to these practices. They can also exercise their rights under relevant privacy regulations, such as the GDPR, by following the procedures specified in Deedjob’s Privacy Policy.